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can you guess?

Category: Misc


Can you guess it right?

Note: the file is used for setup purposes only and is out of scope of the challenge.

Connect with nc -v localhost port



  • Our initial step was to conduct a quick manual taint analysis to understand the challenge's flow and where we want our input (i.e. source) to flow to.
  • We began by examining, the entry point for the challenge. Our objective was to print the flag (i.e. our sink).
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    if guessed.value == True:
        with open('flag.txt') as f:
  • Upon inspection, we noticed that guessed was initially set to False using the line: guessed = mp.Value('b', False).
  • Before checking the value of guessed, the code invoked guess() from the jail module as a subprocess.
  • Here's an overview of the logic in
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    def jail(inp):
        return eval(inp)
    def guess(inp, guessed):
        import os, random
        os.setregid(65534, 65534), os.setreuid(65534, 65534)
            r = jail(inp)
            if random.random() == r:
                print('That\'s right, but you ain\'t get any flags')
                guessed.value = False
        except Exception as e:
            print("Don't break my jail")
  • Our observation revealed that the control flow ultimately leads to jail() from guess(), which employs eval() on our input. However, we faced a challenge because guess() sets our effective and real UID and GID to 65534, which corresponds to the nobody user with limited permissions.
  • As jail() returns, it is compared against random.random(), and if the conditions are met, guessed is set to False.
  • In summary, our goal was to manipulate guessed through input without causing an exception and without satisfying the condition random.random() == r, where r is the output from eval().
  • After conducting some research, we discovered that using the inspect module would enable us to view variables from other stack frames.
  • Additionally, if variables are in the global scope, we can manipulate their values. However, manipulating local variables of other stack frames is not possible as they are read-only.
  • Interestingly, guessed was initialized as an mp.Value, which allows sharing a ctypes variable across multiple processes. Consequently, we can consider guessed as a reference to shared memory.
  • This implies that only the reference to guessed is read-only, while it can be used to dereference and the value itself can still be modified.
  • With this understanding, we devised a payload that inspects the local variable guessed in guess() from our eval() in jail() and overwrites its value to True.
  • To ensure a valid expression and avoid exceptions, our payload includes == 0 at the end.
  • The final payload is as follows:
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    setattr(__import__("inspect").currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_locals["guessed"], "value", True) == 0

Flag: shellmates{PYTHOn_FR4mE_0bj3cTs_ARENT_s3CuR3_ARE_Th3y}