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Category: Misc


Welcome in jail. If it's not your first time, you should be out quickly. If it is your first rodeo, people have escape before you... I'm sure you'll be fine.

> Deploy on

Format : Hero{flag}

Author : Log_s


  • We began by executing the statement print(1), which resulted in the output of 1. This indicates that the input we provide is being exec-uted by the program.
  • To understand the available built-in functions, we examined them by executing print(__builtins__). It became evident that the built-ins were quite restricted in this Python environment, with only print and globals functions.
  • However, we noticed that both the print and globals functions are part of the Python builtins module. This means we can reference the module from either of these two functions using the __self__ attribute.
  • With access to the builtins module, we could utilize the __import__ function to import the os module. By calling the system function from os with the argument ls, we were able to execute the system command to list files.
  • This action revealed the existence of a file named To view its contents, we modified the argument of the system function to cat
  • The command used was:
    Text Only

Flag: Hero{nooooo_y0u_3sc4p3d!!}