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An Alarming BAC(net) Pain - 4

Category: Jubilife


Based on the observed temperature readings, it appears that the heat detector’s setpoint was changed, causing it to go off while still within the range of normal operating temperatures, nowhere close to the temperature that should trigger the alarm.

Setpoints are defined in BACnet configuration files. These configuration files are stored in zip files that are encrypted with password jubilife_BMS_configuration! before being sent over BACnet.

It appears that someone uploaded a configuration file to the fire suppression BACnet device that changed its temperature setpoint.

Jubilife would like you to extract this configuration file from the BACnet traffic and report the password listed for the misconfigured binary sensor so they can revert the setpoint to its correct value.

Flag format: password for the misconfigured binary sensor. Example: 37ab38cb4f**


Flag: 927ab89245