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XSS - Easy

Category: Web


We've built a new blog app!

Can you get the flag from the admin user? He's logged on right now


  • Upon entering the blog environment, we noticed a link to an admin control panel and a comment box for the blog post.
  • We published a comment and observed that the admin accesses the page and also leaves a comment whenever we make comments on the blog.
  • Through a quick test using a simple payload like <script>alert(1)</script>, we discovered that the comment box is vulnerable to stored XSS.
  • Our task is to exploit this vulnerability in order to have the admin access the page and execute our XSS payload. This will enable us to make a new comment request which include their cookie on their behalf.
  • An example of the payload is:
    Text Only
        let formData = new FormData();
        formData.append('name', 'testing');
        formData.append('comment', document.cookie);
        fetch('/new-comment', { method: "POST", body: formData});
  • After we submit our payload, we can refresh our page and view the admin's cookie in one of the blog post's comments.
  • We then override our own cookie with the admin's cookie.
  • After successfully accessing /admin with the admin's cookie, we can see the flag.

Flag: punk_{TMYJ77I275YCKC12}