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Category: Web


The StarCraft III Interplanetary Newbie Championship is almost live and I was assigned to take care of teaching everyone in the Newbie-84 planet how to play. I made a blog so each individual can choose their favorite races and strategies to learn before the tournament. I will secretly participate and to give them a change, I hid my go to strategy somewhere on the website. Wanna try finding it?

Author: Bal


  • The first input field is used to specify the folder to navigate to, while the second input field is used to specify the file to read within that folder.
  • Cicking the button triggers a POST request to retrieve the contents of the specified file.
  • It is possible to exploit these fields and read arbitrary files by injecting malicious input.
  • Also, leaving the second input field empty will display the files in the directory.
  • Through experimentation, it is likely to discover the /app/strategies directory, containing a file named flag.txt.

Flag: shctf{get_zerg_rushed_nb}