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Category: Web


Hello fellow Donut Earther! Check out this neat site that forwards our cause! The thing is, we think that the admin is actually a flat earther. Think you can figure it out?

Author: Pwnut

Note: Ignore the session key, it's only present for challenge functionality. Also, if you have a working exploit, you might have to try more than once :)


  • The blog backend source file is provided at /source.
  • The blog appears to be vulnerable to XSS (Cross-Site Scripting), but due to Content Security Policy (CSP) restrictions, direct execution of JavaScript logic is blocked. However, CSP does allow the import of scripts from its own domain.
  • The goal is to exploit the file upload functionality to upload a malicious JavaScript file that redirects the admin bot to our webhook while capturing its cookie.
  • It appears that files can be uploaded at /upload.
  • The file upload validation process checks for specific extensions, including png, jpg, jpeg, and gif, following the first dot in the file name. This means we can upload arbitrary files of our choice by prefixing the filename with a dot (.) and one of the listed extensions.
  • To leak the cookies from the admin bot, we can create a JavaScript file named script.gif.js. This file will contain the logic to navigate (location.href) to our webhook while including the admin bot's cookie. A sample payload can be found here.
  • After uploading our malicious JavaScript file, we will be given the remote path to our script.
  • By creating multiple comments (redudancy sake) with the title and message set as <script src="/images/<UPLOADED_PATH>"></script> (i.e. <script src="/images/447f81d7-d7a6-4ff4-8619-54fd9ec4aa1cscript.gif.js"></script>), we can import our malicious script into the page.
  • Once the admin bot visits our comment, it will trigger a request to our webhook receiver, allowing us to capture the desired information.

Flag: shctf{w3_a11_l1v3_und3r_th3_DOMe}