Category: Web
"Back to the Future" never made sense as a title
When we navigate to the provided URL, we are presented with the following webpage:

We will proceed to register an account with the following details:

However, we encounter the following page:

After analyzing the codebase, we have determined our end goal:
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| @app.route("/retro")
def retro(user):
if int(user["year"]) > 1970:
return render_template("retro.html", flag="you aren't *retro* enough")
return render_template("retro.html", flag=flag)
Upon accessing the endpoint, we are presented with the following view:

Our objective is to navigate to the /retro
endpoint with the year
field in our session set to a value less than or equal to 1970
. At first glance, it may seem simple to create a user with a year
set to <= 1970
, right? To find out more, let's take a closer look at the code snippet related to the /register
endpoint which handles user registrations:
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| @app.route("/register", methods=["POST"])
def post_register():
username = request.form["username"]
year = request.form["year"]
if username in u2id:
return redirect("/register?msg=So+unoriginal")
if not username:
return redirect("/register?msg=No+username+provided")
if not year.isnumeric() or not 1970 < int(year) < 2024:
return redirect("/register?msg=Invalid+year")
id = str(uuid.uuid4())
u2id[username] = id
u2year[username] = year
res = make_response(redirect("/"))
res.set_cookie("token", generate_token(id, username, year))
return res
As we can observe, there are validations in place that restrict the year
value to be between 1970
and 2024
(exclusive). Modifying the year
post-registration would require forging the JWT session tokens and regenerating the token's signature to prevent it from appearing tampered.
Now, let's examine the JWT encoding/decoding functionalities used by the server to create/verify session tokens:
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| def encode(payload, secret, algorithm=None):
if not algorithm or algorithm not in possible_algorithms:
raise ValueError("invalid algorithm")
header = {"typ": "JWT", "alg": algorithm}
b64header = base64url_encode(json.dumps(header).encode())
b64payload = base64url_encode(json.dumps(payload).encode())
if algorithm == "HS256":
h = hmac.HMAC(secret, hashes.SHA256())
h.update(b".".join([b64header, b64payload]))
signature = h.finalize()
elif algorithm == "RS256":
priv = serialization.load_pem_private_key(
secret, password=None, backend=default_backend()
signature = priv.sign(
b".".join([b64header, b64payload]),
mgf=padding.MGF1(hashes.SHA256()), salt_length=padding.PSS.MAX_LENGTH
return b".".join([b64header, b64payload, base64url_encode(signature)])
def decode(token, secret, algorithms=None):
if not algorithms or any(alg not in possible_algorithms for alg in algorithms):
return None
if token.count(b".") != 2:
return None
header, payload, signature = token.split(b".")
if not header or not payload or not signature:
return None
json_header = json.loads(base64url_decode(header))
json_payload = json.loads(base64url_decode(payload))
decoded_signature = base64url_decode(signature)
alg_to_use = json_header["alg"]
if alg_to_use == "HS256":
h = hmac.HMAC(secret, hashes.SHA256())
h.update(b".".join([header, payload]))
elif alg_to_use == "RS256":
pub = serialization.load_pem_public_key(secret)
b".".join([header, payload]),
return json_payload
except Exception as e:
return None
It's worth noting that both functions support encoding/decoding using the RS256
(asymmetric encryption) and HS256
(symmetric encryption) algorithms.
Here is our current session token:
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| eyJ0eXAiOiAiSldUIiwgImFsZyI6ICJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6ICI3N2Y1MmU4Zi02NDIzLTRmZDQtYjY5YS01OWMzODFiNGZiNWQiLCAidXNlcm5hbWUiOiAidGVzdCIsICJ5ZWFyIjogIjE5NzEifQ.BvpXxu4x9RzmQEj3IVPhn3-7VvWUKy-sXxjcXnHLp4iuYvR8kYk-xcxO4mn1QPRJ7Et4rNUaZOuaFt4PIumpGajSt66W8Au6xbDN3Iim_rRd9eiWyfRGkUcy2rZkfwFty1zVGN3qpmsyhP3I9yPzJEgUP8ON7pNDQH71CxbtKhdcFyDDQJHFbApjdOP94Pf0mg0ajVsjKc8fMlRXX4CIO0XcS2s-aq_A9zNWUHTZXluxDySFc3vkANj111TCafUYc4o1Wui7CjvcSpOe35Yilzrenz6h-XD4c-JieKVXn8M8YTm2xSgfwiG7-F4XxVsk7bGVRVKxzN9kIHEARB64sQ
When parsed using tools like, we can observe the header:
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| {
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "RS256"
And the payload:
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| {
"id": "77f52e8f-6423-4fd4-b69a-59c381b4fb5d",
"username": "test",
"year": "1971"
Currently, our session token is signed using asymmetric encryption (RS256
). Since obtaining the private key from server is not feasible, a more practical approach would be to "force" our session token to utilize the HS256
algorithm. By doing so, we can utilize the publicly accessible public key located at static/public.pem
to create/verify our session token, allowing us to maliciously control the payload of our session token.
To generate a new malicious session token using the HS256
algorithm, you can utilize the script.
When we update our session token with the malicious version, the flag will be displayed in the /retro

Flag: tjctf{very_very_retro_3bbff613}