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Level 04 - AlligatorPay


This is the challenge website:

We are provided with a test card, as indicated by a comment found in the page source:

Upon uploading the test card:

The card is parsed by the website, and the card details are then rendered.

Here is the logic for parsing the AlligatorPay card:

async function parseFile() {
  const fileInput = document.getElementById("fileInput");
  const file = fileInput.files[0];
  if (!file) {
    alert("Please select a file");

  const arrayBuffer = await file.arrayBuffer();
  const dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer);

  const signature = getString(dataView, 0, 5);
  if (signature !== "AGPAY") {
    alert("Invalid Card");
  const version = getString(dataView, 5, 2);
  const encryptionKey = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer.slice(7, 39));
  const reserved = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer.slice(39, 49));

  const footerSignature = getString(dataView, arrayBuffer.byteLength - 22, 6);
  if (footerSignature !== "ENDAGP") {
    alert("Invalid Card");
  const checksum = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer.slice(arrayBuffer.byteLength - 16, arrayBuffer.byteLength));

  const iv = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer.slice(49, 65));
  const encryptedData = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer.slice(65, arrayBuffer.byteLength - 22));

  const calculatedChecksum = hexToBytes(SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer.hash(new Uint8Array([...iv, ...encryptedData])));

  if (!arrayEquals(calculatedChecksum, checksum)) {
    alert("Invalid Card");

  const decryptedData = await decryptData(encryptedData, encryptionKey, iv);

  const cardNumber = getString(decryptedData, 0, 16);
  const cardExpiryDate = decryptedData.getUint32(20, false);
  const balance = decryptedData.getBigUint64(24, false);

  document.getElementById("cardNumber").textContent = formatCardNumber(cardNumber);
  document.getElementById("cardExpiryDate").textContent = "VALID THRU " + formatDate(new Date(cardExpiryDate * 1000));
  document.getElementById("balance").textContent = "$" + balance.toString();
  if (balance == 313371337) {
    function arrayBufferToBase64(buffer) {
      let binary = "";
      const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
      const len = bytes.byteLength;
      for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);
      return window.btoa(binary);

    const base64CardData = arrayBufferToBase64(arrayBuffer);

    const formData = new FormData();
    formData.append("data", base64CardData);

    try {
      const response = await fetch("submit", {
        method: "POST",
        body: formData,

      const result = await response.json();
      if (result.success) {
      } else {
        alert("Invalid Card");
    } catch (error) {
      alert("Invalid Card");

And here is the data decryption logic:

async function decryptData(encryptedData, key, iv) {
  const cryptoKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", key, { name: "AES-CBC" }, false, ["decrypt"]);
  const decryptedBuffer = await crypto.subtle.decrypt({ name: "AES-CBC", iv: iv }, cryptoKey, encryptedData);
  return new DataView(decryptedBuffer);

It appears that our goal is to increase the card balance to exactly $313371337. Achieving this specific balance will trigger the logic that submits a request to /submit, which may lead us to the flag.

Based on the above code snippets, we can map out the structure of the AlligatorPay card:

  • bytes[0:5]: Header signature, must be equal to AGPAY
  • bytes[5:7]: Card version
  • bytes[7:39]: Encryption key
  • bytes[39:49]: Reserved
  • bytes[49:65]: Encryption IV
  • bytes[65:113]: Encrypted data (includes card number, expiry date, and balance)
  • bytes[113:119]: Footer signature, must be equal to ENDAGP
  • bytes[119:135]: Encrypted Data Checksum

To simplify working with this challenge, we can intercept the decryptData() function by modifying its implementation in the browser's JavaScript console.

By updating decryptData(), we can manipulate the decrypted data to set the balance to $313371337, then re-encrypt the data and generate a new checksum. Each time a card is uploaded, this function is triggered, providing us with the necessary byte buffers to replace the encrypted data (bytes[65:113]) and checksum (bytes[119:135]).

The modified decryptData() function is shown below:

async function decryptData(encryptedData, key, iv) {
  // add encrypt operation
  const cryptoKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", key, { name: "AES-CBC" }, false, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);
  const decryptedBuffer = await crypto.subtle.decrypt({ name: "AES-CBC", iv: iv }, cryptoKey, encryptedData);

  // modify balance
  const uintBuffer = new Uint8Array(decryptedBuffer);
  uintBuffer[28] = 18;
  uintBuffer[29] = 173;
  uintBuffer[30] = 170;
  uintBuffer[31] = 201;

  // encrypt buffer
  const encryptedModifiedBuffer = await crypto.subtle.encrypt(
    { name: "AES-CBC", iv: iv },

  // generate checksum
  const calculatedChecksum = hexToBytes(
    SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer.hash(new Uint8Array([...iv, Uint8Array(encryptedModifiedBuffer)]))

  console.log("encryptedModifiedBuffer", encryptedModifiedBuffer);
  console.log("calculatedChecksum", calculatedChecksum);

  return new DataView(decryptedBuffer);

Uploading the testcard.agpay will return the following result:

We can run the following Python script, which uses both output buffers to create a new card (elitecard.agpay) with the card balance as $313371337 while ensuring the correct checksum:

encrypted_data_buffer = [230, 255, 223, 74, 176, 73, 140, 213, 104, 192, 170, 148, 255, 19, 225, 106, 86, 245, 60, 26, 153, 187, 55, 192, 169, 105, 124, 182, 175, 22, 134, 239, 217, 27, 84, 175, 117, 154, 248, 48, 18, 63, 8, 134, 234, 151, 157, 156]
checksum_buffer = [75, 241, 79, 164, 125, 126, 49, 34, 73, 126, 230, 178, 206, 56, 10, 236]

card_content = bytearray()
with open("testcard.agpay", "rb") as file:
    card_content = bytearray(

for i in range(65, 65 + len(encrypted_data_buffer)):
    card_content[i] = encrypted_data_buffer[i - 65]

n = len(card_content)
for i in range(n - 16, n):
    card_content[i] = checksum_buffer[i - (n - 16)]

with open("elitecard.agpay", "wb") as file:

Uploading the newly generated card triggered the /submit request and returned the flag as the response.

The flag is TISC{533_Y4_L4T3R_4LL1G4T0R_a8515a1f7004dbf7d5f704b7305cdc5d}