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Gamer Redux

Category: Misc


Author: nhwn

My friend, David, was last online 7 years ago, but it appears he left behind a weird file for me. Can you recover his message?



  • This challenge assumes the usage of a Minecraft client.
  • The provided file appears to contain a Minecraft command for a command block.
  • Create a command block in the Minecraft world and set its command to the content of the file. Activate it using redstone.
  • The Minecraft world will render an area that resembles a QR code.
  • Only the "black" pixels of the QR code are visible when the player is in close proximity to that specific tile, while the rest appear as "white" pixels.
  • By analyzing the code, we can observe the use of black_wools and white_wools. It seems that black_wool is set when the player is within a certain range, otherwise it is automatically set to white_wool.
  • By modifying the white_wool to black_wool, the entire QR code is revealed.
  • Decoding the QR code reveals the flag.


Flag: gigem{cr33p3r_4w_m4444n}